1) This standard specifies the requirements of barrier free access to, movement within and around buildings, by the elderly persons and persons with disabilities who may have non-ambulatory disabilities, ambulatory disabilities, sight disabilities, hearing disabilities, etc.2) These requirements apply to all buildings and facilities open to and used by the public. These shall also apply to all forms of public housing by the government/civic bodies or private developers.3) The reference to the accessibility needs of persons with disabilities, made in this standard shall also mean a reference to such needs of the elderly persons, children, women and persons of short stature / dwarfism in so far as the concerned provision is applicable to the type of disabilities that may be associated therewith.

CABE Foundation is an advocacy, research, consultancy & capacity building non-profit initiative focusing on accessibility, universal design, policy reform, standards formulation, accessibility audits of built infrastructure, disability inclusion in education, employment, technologies and training of stakeholders with a spirit to implement UN CRPD and frameworks such as Sustainable Development Goals.
Thursday, May 18, 2023
Seeking your comments on Revision to IS 4963:1987 Indian Standard on Requirement for accessibility in built environment for older adults and persons with disabilities
Friday, April 28, 2023
Capacity Building Workshop at Chandigarh on 'Inclusive Library-A digital and Accessible Library for All'
Access to Libraries is an important area of intervention especially in this age of technology where STEM education is increasingly being chosen by blind and visually impaired students among others. Physical access to schools and libraries too is equally crucial for children with disabilities and convenient for other students. We need more sensitization among schools and educational institutions.
We contributed to this crucial two day Capacity Building Workshop on "Inclusive Library-A digital and Accessible Library for All" on 28 April 2023 at Sri Guru Govind Singh Public School Sector 35B Chandigarh as resource. The school, the GIEN (Global Inclusive Education Network), Centre for Disability Studies and Action, School of Social Work, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai (TISS, Mumbai), DAISY Forum of India (DFI), National Associated for the Blind, Delhi (NAB), and Brotherhood, Delhi, collaborated together to organise a two-day capacity-building workshop for the librarians, special educators, counsellors and IT professionals of schools (Primary, Middle, Secondary and Senior Secondary), special schools and universities.
Mr. Subhash Chandra Vashishth conducted two sessions during the workshop - one each on - Legal framework on Obligations of educational institutions & libraries towards persons with disabilities, Access to ICT products & services and on How to ensure Physcial Accessibility in Schools & Libraries. Attendees were Teachers, Special Educators, Librarians, Counsellors and IT Staff from various schools, Universities and Special schools from North India. Interesting take aways from the exercise.
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Fig. Mr. Subhash Chandra Vashishth conducting the training session. |
We thank Global Inclusive Education Network; Centre for Disability Studies and Action, School of Social Work, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai (TISS, Mumbai); DAISY Forum of India (DFI); National Associated for the Blind, Delhi (NAB), and Brotherhood, for this importnat collaboration!,
Saturday, January 21, 2023
IRDAI need to act to ensure an equal and non-discriminatory Health Insurance for Persons with Disabilities
- Drafted by Ms. Anugya Srivastava & Edited by Mr. Subhash Chandra Vashishth
Health insurance is the means to cover your medical expenses if you are at risk or injured. A comprehensive medical insurance covers the cost of hospitalisation, day-care procedures, medical care at home (domiciliary hospitalisation), and ambulance charges, amongst others. A health insurance plan helps you stay covered against various diseases. Additionally, it enables you to boost tax savings. Under section 80D of the Income Tax Act, 1961, one can claim tax benefits against their health insurance premium. Everyone can apply for insurance. So what is there for the disabled when it comes to insurance?
HDFC Insurance’s explanation below will give us a better idea about the deep routed phenomenon of discrimination being faced by persons with disabilities particularly those with congenital disabilities (those who were born with it):
“Depending on whether the disability that a person is
suffering from is congenital (i.e. by birth) or accidental, various health
insurance providers offer healthcare coverage scopes. Generally speaking, if
the disability is congenital i.e. in the event of a person being disabled from
birth, the insurance providers do not offer any healthcare coverage. This means
that persons who are suffering from congenital disabilities are not eligible
for healthcare coverage in the general sense of the word. However, persons who
have become disabled on account of an accidental occurrence are treated as
regular customers when it comes to purchasing a health insurance plan.
Therefore, such persons who were not born with a disability but became disabled
due to any accidental occurrence are equally eligible for healthcare coverage
as is provided by the various insurance providers. There is a clear set of
medical tests and documentation at the time of policy purchase, which must be
duly followed and all the details pertaining to the disability must be divulged.”
the Law says on Health Insurance for Persons with Disabilities
Article 25 of the United Nations Convention
for Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), which India ratified in 2007,
states as under:
“(e) Prohibit discrimination against persons with disabilities in the
provision of health insurance, and life insurance where such insurance is
permitted by national law, which shall be provided in a fair and reasonable manner”
Sections 3, 25 and 26 of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act (RPWD), 2016, have made it clear that a person with a disability cannot be discriminated against when accessing healthcare and its other aspects. According to Section 26 of the Act, “The appropriate Government shall, by notification, make insurance schemes for their employees with disabilities”.
Health Insurance Schemes of Union Government, State Governments and Private Companies
Keeping in view the above provisions of the UNCRPD and RPWD Act, let us take a look at the health insurance Schemes of the Government:
Central Government:
A. Ayushman
Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana: Ayushman
Bharat PM-JAY is the largest health insurance scheme in the world, which aims
at providing health cover of Rs. 5 lakhs per family per year for secondary and
tertiary care hospitalisation to approximately 50 crore beneficiaries which
make up the bottom 40% of the Indian population. The households included were
based on the deprivation and occupational criteria of the Socio-Economic Caste
Census 2011 (SECC 2011) for rural and urban areas, respectively. It subsumed
the Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY), launched in 2008.
The eligibility criteria of this scheme for the beneficiaries are divided into two categories: rural and urban:
a. For the rural beneficiaries, PM-JAY covers all such families who fall into at least one of the following deprivation criteria (D1 to D5 and D7) and automatic inclusion (living on alms, manual scavenger households, tribal group, legally released bonded labour) criteria:
● D1- Only one room with kucha walls and kucha roof● D2- No adult member between ages 16 to 59● D3- Households with no adult male member between ages 16 to 59● D4- Disabled member and no non-disabled adult member● D5- SC/ST households● D7- Landless households deriving a significant part of their income from manual casual labour
b. For the urban beneficiaries, the workers who belong to the following 11 occupational categories are eligible for the scheme:
● Ragpicker● Beggar● Domestic worker● Street vendor/ Cobbler/hawker / other service provider working on streets● Construction worker/ Plumber/ Mason/ Labour/ Painter/ Welder/ Security guard/ Coolie and other head-load worker● Sweeper/ Sanitation worker/ Mali● Home-based worker/ Artisan/ Handicrafts worker/ Tailor● Transport worker/ Driver/ Conductor/ Helper to drivers and conductors/ Cart puller/ Rickshaw puller● Shop worker/ Assistant/ Peon in small establishment/ Helper/Delivery assistant / Attendant/ Waiter● Electrician/ Mechanic/ Assembler/ Repair worker● Washer-man/Chowkidar
B. Niramaya Health Insurance Scheme
This Health Insurance Scheme' by the National Trust covers conditions arising from disabilities, mental retardation, cerebral palsy, autism, and multiple disabilities. The scheme envisages delivering comprehensive cover, which will have a single premium across the age band covering people with disabilities with up to ₹1 lakh for medical treatments under the National Trust Act on a reimbursement basis. It does not require pre-insurance tests, but individuals must enroll with the National Trust and have a valid disability certificate to avail of this policy. Treatment can be taken from any hospital.
C. Swavalamban Health Insurance
Swavalamban has been designed to deliver comprehensive cover to the beneficiary as well as his family (PwD, Spouse & up to two children), has a single premium across age bands and can be availed by PwDs aged between 18 years and 65 years with a family annual income of less than ₹ 3,00,000 per annum. In order to enable and empower persons with disabilities (PwDs) to live as independently and with dignity as possible, health services and its access to persons with disabilities assume a very significant role. The objectives of the scheme are:
- To provide affordable Health Insurance to persons with Blindness, Low vision, Leprosy-cured, Hearing impairment, Locomotor Disability, Intellectual Disability and Mental Illness.
- To improve the general health condition & quality of life of persons with disabilities.
D. Employees’ State Insurance Scheme.
Primarily designed to help factory workers handle the expenses following accidents and occupational hazards, the Employees' State Insurance Scheme is available for the workers employed in various factories in India. Under Disablement benefits, the employers’ share of contribution in respect of such disabled employees is paid by the Central Government for initial three years. Permanently disabled persons working in factories and establishments covered under ESI Act and drawing wages up to ₹25,000/- per month are covered under the scheme.
Although there is no specific scheme which gives health insurance or assistance to persons with disabilities, these are some of the following scheme(s) that give financial assistance to those people who are either injured or battling an illness/disease:
A. Delhi Arogya Kosh:
Delhi Arogya Kosh (DAK) is a scheme which provides financial assistance to the extent of Rs. 5 lakhs to needy eligible patients for treatment of any illness/disease in a Government Hospital and for any illness/treatment/intervention required by the patient undergoing treatment in a Government Hospital run by Delhi Government/Central Government/Local Bodies/Autonomous Hospital under State Government.
Patients with annual family
income up to Rs 3 lacs are eligible.
● The patient should be a bona
fide resident of Delhi for the last three years (prior to the date of
submission of the application)
● The patient requiring
treatment for any illness/ treatment/ intervention in a Government Hospital run
by Delhi Govt. /Central Govt. /AIIMS /Autonomous Institutes of the State Govt.
/Local Bodies.
This flagship health insurance scheme of Maharashtra Govt. provides end to end cashless services for identified diseases through a network of service providers from Government and Private sector. Earlier was known as Rajiv Gandhi Jeevandayee Arogya Yojana (RGJAY) it was renamed as Mahatma Jyotirao Phule Jan Arogya Yojana (MJPJAY) from 1st April 2017. it covers beneficiaries under three categories below:
Category A: Families holding Yellow ration card, Antyodaya Anna Yojana ration card (AAY), Annapurna ration card, Orange ration card (annual income up to INR 1 lakh) issued by Civil Supplies Department, Government of Maharashtra for 36 districts of Maharashtra.
Category B: White ration card holder farmer families from 14 agriculturally distressed districts of Maharashtra (Aurangabad, Jalna, Beed, Parbhani, Hingoli, Latur, Nanded, Osmanabad, Amravati, Akola, Buldhana, Washim, Yavatmal, and Wardha).
Category C:
1. Children of Government Orphanages, Students of Government Ashram Shala, female inmates of Government Mahila Ashram & senior citizens of Government old age homes.
2. Journalists & their dependent family members approved by DGIPR.
3. Construction workers and their families having live registration with Maharashtra Building & other Construction worker Welfare Board.
Health Insurance Plans by Insurance Companies
Most private insurance companies provide insurance cover to people with disabilities, but not all 21 types of disabilities given under the Schedule of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 are covered by them. For instance-
A. Star Health Insurance has only one disability specific insurance plan called “Star Special Care”, which covers people diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the age bracket of 3 to 25 years.
B. HDFC’s health insurance plans only cover people with acquired disabilities i.e. those who became disabled due to an accident or illness and excludes persons with congenital disabilities i.e. those who are disabled since birth.
C. Tata AIG’s Corporate Health Insurance also covers permanant and partial disabilities due to accidents under their Group Personal Accident Plan. However, their Individual focused health insurance plan doesn’t cover people with disabilities.
Actual State of Health Insurance for the
Disabled in India
The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) has issued an advisory in 2016 and it reiterated its advisory on 02 June 2020 to provide equitable insurance covers to persons with disabilities and other vulnerable groups, there has not been much change in the status quo and onground situation continues to be challenging.
Judicial Interventions in the matter of Health Insurance for the Disabled in India
From the above schemes of Central and State Governments and the private health insurance companies, one may feel that adequate coverage has been given to persons with disabilities. But is it really the case? Let’s take a look at the judicial interventions on various issues pertaining to health insurance of the people with disabilities.
A. In 2009, a public interest litigation was filed by an employee of postal department in the Delhi High Court, on the grounds that the postal life insurance was giving a cover of only ₹1 lakh to the persons with disabilities against ₹5 lakhs for the non-disabled employees. Further, an extra premium was being charged from the persons with disabilities. The Delhi High Court in a milestone judgement, directed the postal life insurance to provide equal insurance coverage and not charge extra premium from the employees with disabilities.
B In 2016, Jai Prakash Tayal, holding a Mediclaim policy had filed a suit against United India Insurance Company Ltd. seeking payment of ₹5 lakh spent on his treatment while the Insurance firm had denied Mediclaim saying “genetic disease is not payable as per policy genetic exclusion clauses". The Delhi High Court ordered the IRDAI to re-look at the Exclusionary clauses in insurance contracts and ensure that insurance companies do not reject claims on the basis of exclusions relating to genetic disorders. It also upheld the judgement of the Trial Court, which stated that a person, suffering from a genetic disorder, needs medical insurance as much as others.
C. In the case of Saurabh Shukla, an investment professional who has tetraplegia and uses a wheelchair, applied for health insurance and was denied the same by companies Max Bupa Health Insurance Co. Ltd. and Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd. on the grounds of his disability and other medical conditions being high risk. Mr. Shukla approached the Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities, who then communicated this matter with the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) directing them to advise the insurance companies to initiate the policies for persons with disabilities. In response, the IRDAI stated that the mechanism to provide health insurance covering existing disability already exists, but they didn’t give a specific reply to Mr. Shukla. Aggrieved by the response of the Insurance Regulator, Mr. Shukla approached the Hon’ble High Court of Delhi, to seek quashing of the rejection of his health insurance application by the insurance companies and he also sought the direction of the Court to the insurance companies to issue a health insurance policy to him. In its defence, IRDAI referred to Regulation 8 (c) of the IRDAI Regulations 2016, which clearly states that the denial of health insurance coverage shall be the last resort of the insurer.
D. The Delhi High Court, in its judgement dated 13 December 2022, has categorically observed that the right to life includes the right to health. It has directed the insurance regulator to organise a meeting of all insurance companies to design health insurance schemes for people with disabilities and introduce them preferably within two months. The court also asked the IRDAI to immediately modify the terminology "substandard lives" in their regulations to ensure that such "unacceptable terminology" is not used while referring to persons with disabilities, and it also permitted Mr. Shukla to approach both the insurance companies once again, and the two companies shall consider his case for issuing a health insurance policy and the question of extending insurance to Mr. Shukla shall be reviewed. It also directed that the proposal shall be placed on record before the next hearing. The Court has also directed both IRDAI and the insurance companies to file a status report two weeks before the next date of hearing i.e. 17th March 2023.
What Needs To Be Done?
Mr. Thakur Dutt Dhariyal, who was the longest-serving Deputy Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities for Govt. of India till 2014 and has also served as the State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities, Govt. of NCT of Delhi for three years, praised the Delhi High Court judgement in Saurabh Shukla's case while also pointing out the need for an in-depth study and examination of the economic viability of providing health insurance to persons with disabilities. According to him, “It [Mr. Saurabh Shukla vs Max Bupa Insurance Co. Ltd. and Ors.] is a good judgement. It upheld the UNCRPD and RPWD Act regarding health insurance for people with disabilities. As far as health insurance premium is concerned, a greater and deeper study is needed to examine the economic viability of providing health insurance to people with disabilities. In cases where persons with disabilities require frequent hospitalisation, the insurance companies should have the evidence before denying their claim to the insurance.”
It is hoped that on March 17, 2023, the date of next hearing of the High Court in this matter, IRDAI and the insurance companies would be able to submit a proposal of a health insurance policy for people with disabilities that doesn't discriminate on the basis of etiology of their disabilities i.e. whether acquired or congenital.
- The author is a student of Master of Social Work (Disability Studies & Action) at Tata Institute of Social Sciences Mumbai and currently interning at CABE Foundation. The article has been edited by the leadership at CABE Foundation.
Friday, December 09, 2022
Manak Manthan on 14 Dec 2022 - Invitation to comment on IS 15330 - Minimum Requirements for Safe and Independent Access & Use of Lifts by Persons with Disabilities
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Manak Manthan on WC draft IS 15330 |
The main focus of this interactive programme will be the discussions of various requirements and changes that are being brought into the standard and exchange of ideas on this draft in wide circulation. The outcome of the discussions will be shared with the technical committee for further action.
Date and Venue of the Program (Hybrid Mode)
Date: 14 Dec 2022 Time: 10.30 AM
Venue: Lal C Verman Hall, Manak Bhawan, BIS Headquarters, New Delhi-110002
Virtual Meeting link : Webex
Relevant Documents
1. Wide Circulation Draft of IS 15330 : Requirements for Lifts for Persons with Disabilities
2. Harmonized Guidelines & Standards for Universal Accessibility in India 2021
We encourage you to join in this nation building activity.
About BIS
Bureau of Indian Standars (BIS), as the national standards body, has been formulating Indian Standards catering to the needs of various stakeholders in terms of quality and technological advancements. The standards are finalized through a consensus approach and the collective wisdom of the members of the Technical Committees.
In order to ensure faster and easier implementation of these standards, BIS has taken the initiative of conducting a Manak Manthan meeting through which the stakeholders can directly discuss and comment on the standards which have been recently formulated or are at advanced stages of finalization. The Manak Manthan serves as a platform for identifying challenges and suggesting comments for improvement of standards and the feedback is made available to the concerned technical committee for addressing them suitably.
Friday, June 17, 2022
Tactile Pavers must be reliable and standardized across built environment - CABE Foundation intervenes in a pedestrian sidewalk project in Delhi
“We live in a society that extols mobility, autonomy and freedom.”
~ Steven Mintz
Have you wondered how a person with a visual disability commutes from point A to point B? A lot of planning and inquiry goes into commuting, things that a person with a visual disability may take into consideration in terms of accessibility are:
Does the traffic light have a beeper for me to understand whether I can cross the road or not?
Are the sidewalks clear, safe and have proper Kerbs?
Do the sidewalks have tactile pavers or TGSIs?
In this article, we provide an overview of Tactile Ground Surface Indicators (TGSIs) and how the CABE Foundation recently identified and highlighted incorrect laying of TGSIs in one of the stretches being developed by a contractor in the Delhi Cantonment Board area and facilitated modifications in the same.
TGSIs have a specific function and impart specific information about the immediate surroundings. TGSIs act as, and are interpreted as landmarks. The two types of Tactile pavers that we use in India are warning indicators and directional indicators.
Tactile Warning Indicators (Dottype)/ Tactile Warning Blocks. Warning indicators, as the name suggests, warn of either a hazard or a destination.
Tactile Guiding Indicators (Linetype)/ Tactile Guiding Blocks Tactile guiding or directional indicators are used to direct the user from one point to another along a safe path of travel.
Tactile paving should be used on access routes to provide warning and guidance to people with visual difficulties. The need for TGSI’s is critical and requires to be laid out with a holistic integration with built environments. Partial and incorrect laying of TGSI’s may cause inconvenience and may be hazardous for persons with visual impairments.
TGSI’s should be well integrated and appropriately placed into external and internal spaces right from the inception stage of a built environment. It is recommended to make TGSI’s part of the access route plan. In essence, a clear continuous accessible path of travel is one that provides a dedicated pedestrian space which is free from barriers, hazards or obstructions read more here
On the 9th of June, CABE Foundation identified that the tactile pavements of the Delhi cantonment area are not placed as per the Harmonised Guidelines under the RPWD Act 2016. It was noticed by the team that the pavements were aligned very close to the edge whereas they need to be placed in the middle of the sidewalk for ease of access and to avoid any hazardous accidents.
Dear @ceo_delhi, Tactile pavers r2 guide & alert #blind users in public places & need to be installed as per the Harmonised Guidelines under #RPwDAct2016 by @CPWDGOV @NIUA_India & @MoHUA_India @socialpwds /Street Design Guidelines by @UTTIPEC of @official_dda. Its all wrong! pic.twitter.com/tpopyy5kw9
— CABE Foundation👩🏻🦯 👨🏻🦽🚴🏻♂️ 🚌 🛴 (@CABEIndia) June 9, 2022
~ Article 5.1.4., Harmonised Guidelines and space standards for barrier free built environments for persons with disability and elderly persons.
Quick Intervention
As the above was brought to notice of the Court of the State Commissioner of Persons with Disability, NCT of Delhi. On SCPD’s intervention basis CABE Foundation’s intimation – a quick intervention was undertaken by the CEO Delhi Cantonment Board within a week’s time to rectify the ongoing project of sidewalks development within a week’s time,
ChallengesGlad to see the quick response of @ceo_delhi to have made amends & begun re-laying of tactile pavers on the #sidewalk after it’s wrong placement was reported to @ScpdDelhi. Request DCB to rectify other stretches also as per the mandate of #RPwDAct @MSJE_AIC. @NIUA_India @CPWDGOV https://t.co/8v6x0Z5EHn pic.twitter.com/8vKjjgmrSw
— CABE Foundation👩🏻🦯 👨🏻🦽🚴🏻♂️ 🚌 🛴 (@CABEIndia) June 16, 2022
The whole process also highlighted that there are still many areas for improvement as all the other pavements in the cantonment have been constructed in a similar manner.
Standards need to be kept in mind from the design stage itself to avoid future costs of time and efforts. In addition, it is essential that training of all the stakeholders i.e. the Management, Engineers, Contractors and their staff need to be ensured before undertaking the implementation of accessibility initiatives.
CABE Foundation strongly believes in standardising the accessibility of built environments in all sectors. We provide accessibility training as well to strive for an end-to-end impact. If you come across such instances, feel free to reach out to us. You can get in touch with us if you need handholding in implementing accessibilty iniatiatives in your institution.
Tuesday, September 21, 2021
NCPEDP-Mphasis Javed Abidi Public Policy Award 2021 to our Director Shri Subhash Chandra Vashishth
The 12th NCPEDP-Mphasis Universal Design Awards were held today to coincide with UNESCO’s International Day for Universal Access to Information. This annual ceremony, which took place virtually this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, honored the exceptional contributions of individuals and organizations in promoting accessibility and fostering a disability-friendly India.
One of the notable highlights of the evening was the conferral of the NCPEDP-Mphasis Javed Abidi Public Policy Award 2021 to Mr. Subhash Chandra Vashishth, Director at the Centre for Accessibility in Built Environment Foundation. This award recognizes Mr. Vashishth’s exemplary work in advancing accessibility and universal design, ensuring that people with disabilities can enjoy a life of equality and dignity.
The awards, which have been a cornerstone in recognizing disability-friendly innovations and practices since their inception in 2010, are a collaboration between the National Centre for Employment of the Disabled People (NCPEDP) and its long-standing partner, Mphasis. This prestigious recognition is highly sought-after by those dedicated to advancing accessibility and universal design.
In a ceremony that celebrated a decade of impactful work, a total of 12 winners were announced across various categories:
- Category A and B: Three winners from each category were recognized for their outstanding achievements.
- Category C: Five winners were acknowledged, including one Special Jury Award.
- Javed Abidi Public Policy Award: One individual received this special tribute for their exceptional work in public policy related to accessibility and universal design.
The NCPEDP-Mphasis Universal Design Awards, which are currently limited to India, continue to inspire and drive forward the agenda of creating accessible environments.
As we at CABE Foundation celebrate this achievement of our Director, it is a reminder of the ongoing commitment required to build an inclusive society where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.
Media Coverage
Times of India : Two from Delhi win 2021 Universal Design Awards
Friday, February 26, 2021
Election Commission allows Postal ballot to electors above the age of 80 years & electors with physical disability
Election Commission of India has issued a notification under Section 60(c) of the Representation of Peoples Act, 1951bearing No.52/2021/SDR/Vol.l dated 26 Feb 2021 extending the facility of postal ballot to Electors above the age of 80 years and also to Electors with physical disability.
Download the notification here [PDF 62 KB] or read below:
Monday, October 05, 2020
Opportunity for participating in CPABE Pilot Exam and get IAAP's CPABE certification at 50% of the listed fee
Dear Colleagues,
The International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP) is a platform where accessibility professionals from around the world come together to define, promote and improve the accessibility profession through networking, education and certification.
The IAAP has, over the past year, established a Taskforce of Subject Matter Experts to prepare certification exams for 'Certified Professional in Accessible Built Environments (CPABE)' credential, one of the programs that were originally developed under GAATES leadership, identifying the need of this professional recognition to ensure universally designed spaces for a greater global impact. It was transitioned to G3ict and is being led by its division IAAP now.
The CPABE pilot is currently open (September 30 to October 30, 2020). Limited space is available! IAAP is currently seeking pilot participants to fill the remaining spots for these exams. The participants would be considered early adopters of the program content, already have the necessary skills and experience to pass the exam with little preparation. A DRAFT of the Body of Knowledge is also available to guide registered participants. You may read more about it at the following links:
1. The overview of the CPABE Pilot
2. Registration for CPABE Pilot
3. Exam Outline to guide the applicants
Exams are completed online with a proctor of your choosing or one assigned by IAAP at no additional cost. If you, or members of your extended network, champion Universal Design in the built environment, meet the certification criteria and would like to take part in the pilot, participants will help to shape the final outcomes of the program before public launch and earn certification at 50% off the list price.
Please register today or contact Ms. Tracey Shipman, IAAP's Program Manager with any questions you may have at email tshipman@accessibilityassociation.org
Saturday, July 25, 2020
Join Webinar on "A Dialogue on Expectations & Challenges of Persons with Disabilities during Covid19 Crisis organised by NIUA

Other speakers on the panel include Shri Dipendra Manocha, Trustee Saksham Trust, Dr. Shanti Auluck, Chairperson and Founder Muskan The NGO and Ms. Pratistha Deveshwar, a Motivational Speaker.
You are invited to join in. Please register for the event at this LINK
Visit NIUA website to know more about Project 'BASIIC' supported by DFID.
Monday, June 15, 2020
Sh. Amor Kool speaks at a Webinar on Lighting, Ventilation and Building Envelope Optimisation organised by BIS and Ramco Cement Ltd on 12 Jul 2020
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Informative Banner about the Webinar |
The web based workshop began with the inaugural address of the Sh. J. Roy Chowdhury, DDG Standardisation (P&M). Shri Sanjay Pant, Head Civil Engg BIS and Mrs. Madhurima Madhav, Scientist D (Civil Engg), BIS gave an overview of the Sustainability provisions in the NBC 2016.
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Sh. Amor Kool speaking |
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Q&A Session addressed by experts |
This was followed by a long Q&A session where Mr. Sanjay Pant, Mr. Amor Kool responded to the queries raised by workshop participants.
Saturday, May 30, 2020
On CABE's representation, DEPwD writes to States seeking disaggregated data of Covid- 19 affected persons by disabilities
i) The data and information relating to Covid- 19 affected persons (i.e. those infected, quarantined, treated, died, etc.) may be desegregated by disabilities and be made available in the public domain.
ii) The concerned authorities may be advised to ensure that persons with disabilities are included throughout the DRM Cycle.
iii) Specific vulnerabilities of persons with disabilities among the Covid- 19 affected persons should be addressed effectively and with high degree of sensitivity.
iv) They should not be clubbed with other persons for this purpose. It should be ensured that they are not abandoned after they are released from quarantine facility/ hospital.
- CABE Foundation's letter No CABEF/Advoc/2020/1 dated 28 April 2020
- Content of the letter/ email sent to all states by DEPwD dated 30 May 2020
Thursday, April 23, 2020
CABE Foundation conducts online sessions for M Phil Scholars of NIEPA on 22 & 23 April 2020
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Sh. Dhariyal addressing NIEPA Scholars online |
At the invitation of National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA), Shri T. D. Dhariyal, Director CABE Foundation, conducted two Sessions for M.Phil. Scholars studying at the institute on 22 and 23 April 2020.
The interactive sessions focussed on the issues concerning Inclusive Education of children and adults with disabilities, the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 and other related Acts such as RTE Act, Commission for Protection of Child Right Act, Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act impacting the Education of children with disabilities (CwDs) .
The National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA), (Deemed to be University) established by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, is a premier organisation dealing with capacity building and research in policy-making, planning and management of education not only in India but also in South Asia.
In recognition of the pioneering work done by the organisation in the field of educational planning and administration, the Government of India have empowered it to award its own degrees by way of conferring it the status of Deemed to be University in August, 2006. Like any Central University, NIEPA is fully maintained by the Government of India.