Friday, March 01, 2024

Successful Completion of 3rd Capsule Course on NBC 2016 - Accessibility in Buildings and Built Environment at NITS Noida during 28-29 Feb 2024

Dear Accessibility Enthusiasts,

This is in continuation to our earlier post dated 05 Feb 2024 inviting participants to register for this 3rd capsure course.  

The Event

On February 28-29, 2024, the National Institute of Training for Standardization (NITS), Noida, India, hosted the 3rd Capsule Course on "National Building Code 2016 - Accessibility in Buildings & Built Environment." 

CABE Foundation is happy to have contributed to this third consecutive capsule course conducted by the Bureau of Indian Standards at NITS focussing on accesssibility.  

Group photo of the participants with Faculty
Fig. Participants and Faculty gathered for the 3rd Capsule Course on NBC 2016 - Accessibility in Buildings and Built Environment


The two-day course attracted a wide range of participants, reflecting the multidisciplinary nature of accessibility and universal design. Among the attendees were:

1. Representatives from NGOs advocating for inclusive and accessible school buildings.

2. Professionals working directly with persons with disabilities, including educators, therapists, and community organizers.

3. Access auditors and their teams comprising architects, engineers, and accessibility specialists.

4. Architects, engineers, builders, and contractors interested in integrating accessibility standards into their projects.

5. Academicians from universities and research institutions contributing to the advancement of knowledge in accessibility and inclusive design.

A faculty member presenting during a session
Fig. Expert faculty sharing insights on the National Building
Code 2016 and its accessibility provisions


It was noteworthy that the capsule course attracted atleast eight persons with disabilities out of which three were wheelchair users while others were ambulatory disabilities. 

The capsule course also saw inquisitive participation from Latika Roy Memorial Foundation who are currently in the process of constructing their model accessible school at Dehraun and wanted to ensure through this course that they create a accessibility compliant role model building for others to emulate. For this very reason they also ensured that their project architects also attended this course. Besides them, there were representative from three organisations that have been recently empanelled as access auditors by the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities along with their architects who attended this training to brush up their accessibility knowledge.

Throughout the two days, participants engaged in comprehensive discussions on various aspects of accessibility in buildings and the built environment. The course covered key topics from the National Building Code 2016, practical approaches to implementing accessibility standards, and strategies for retrofitting existing buildings to enhance their usability for persons with disabilities and diverse user groups. The focus of the faculty was to emphasise that universal design based built environment was the new writing on the wall and we must be early adopters of this, both- as professionals and as users.

Attendees exchanging ideas and experiences during a networking tea break
Fig. Attendees exchanging ideas and experiences
during a networking break

It was discussed despite a wonderful legal and policy framework, the larger issues remained with lack of appropriate implementation at the ground level due to various factors, lack of professional knowledge among implementing officials being one of them. 

Way ahead

The success of this 3rd Capsule Course demonstrates the growing recognition of the importance of accessibility and universal design in India's construction and urban planning sectors. It also highlights the collaborative efforts of government bodies, NGOs, and industry professionals in working towards a more inclusive built environment.

Certificate presentation to a participant.
Fig. Dr. Navneet Wadhwa, a 
participant receiving his certificate of
completion at the end of the course
As we move forward, the knowledge and connections forged during this course will undoubtedly contribute to the ongoing efforts to make India's buildings and public spaces more accessible and inclusive for all.


We extend our gratitude to Bureau of Indian Standards for the opportunity to contribute to the National Building Code 2016 and the IS 4963 and also lead this  3rd capsule course. The active engagement of participants from diverse backgrounds also made the capsule course a resounding success. Their commitment to accessibility and inclusivity is a vital step towards creating a more equitable society for all.

Some participants posing for a selfie with the Faculty
Fig. Some participants posing for a selfie with the faculty, Mr. Subhash C. Vashishth

- Stay tuned to our blog for more updates on our training programs and initiatives aimed at promoting accessibility and inclusion in built environments.