Dear Colleagues,
CABE, India conducted yet another 3- day Full time Accessibility Training Program under 'Accessible India Campaign' for the Architects of CPWD at National CPWD Academy, Ghaziabad as a part of the "Foundation Training Program for Dy. Architects -2016 Batch & Special Training Program for Assistant Architects" during 24-26 April 2017.
A total of 30 Architects (19 Dy. Architects + 11 Asst. Architects) underwent the three day rigorous training program consisting of components such as Law & Policy Framework on Disability, Salient features of new Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act 2016, UN Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Disability Sensitization, Disability Etiquette, Anthropometry, Universal Design, Detailed study of Accessibility Standards followed by Practical Access Audits by Trainees & presentations of Access Audit Reports.
Simulation in progress-1
Simulation in progress-2
Simulation in progress-3
Written Evaluation Test after the training in progress
A group photo of the batch of Trainees taken at the close of training program